Face your future with courage and peace.

Welcome to my mortality grove. Here we go forward into the shadows, let our best selves guide our choices, and share every moment of joy that we can.

  • You care so much but you can’t do it all. I can help you take stock of your situation and plan practically for your loved one’s needs as well as your own. You need a team, you need special care, and you need extra support for this most special calling.

  • Whether you’ve recently received a terminal diagnosis or you’re thinking ahead for your own peace of mind, I can help you take care of everything that’s important to you. While I am not a lawyer, financial planner, spiritual elder, doctor, or funeral director, I can connect you with providers and services to meet your needs and guide you through difficult conversations. Pre-planning is the best gift you can give your loved ones.

  • You don’t have to wait until you are on your deathbed to take stock of your life and how you’ve lived it. Review the different stages of your life with a unique perspective in order to extract your values and the lessons you’ve learned. Then, you’ll be guided through examining your choices since and opportunities in the future to live a life you love and choose. This is the best gift you can give yourself.